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Exercises for Back Pain

Exercise is a great way to alleviate pain, when done properly. There are many exercises out there that require prior knowledge on how to perform it. This includes proper form, repetition, and resting periods. These are vital in order to not cause or increase back pain. Some specific exercises that should be avoided as they are more likely to increase pain are as follows. 

Toe Touches

Common causes for back pain include spine alignment. Toe touches are a stretch that adds excess stress on the spine risking the alignment of it. When reaching down to touch your toes there is pressure on the ligaments which in turn puts pressure on the discs of your spine. If you already have spinal pain it is recommended to steer clear of this stretch.


Sit-ups are a well known exercise used for strengthening your core, and a strong core is important for supporting the spinal column leading to a decrease in chronic pain. While this is the case, maintaining the proper form for sit-ups is difficult. In many cases people end up using other muscles to perform the reps other than their abdomen muscles. Similarly to toe touches, sit ups add extra stress to spinal discs and ligaments. Thankfully, there are alternatives, such as yoga, that help to strengthen your core and specifically made for pain relief.

Leg Lifts

Leg lifts fall under the same category as sit-ups, a core strengthening exercise that when done improperly does more harm than good. If you are still looking to incorporate leg lifts into your stretching/workout routine an alternative is keeping one leg bent and one leg straight. While keeping your back flat on the floor, raise just your straight leg for a less stress filled exercise. 

If you are in the New Hampshire area and are experiencing constant pain – chronic or otherwise – contact us at Pain Specialty Group Center. Helping our patients alleviate pain is our specialty.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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