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Our Philosophy

Manuel G. Sanchez, MD

Welcome to Pain Specialty Group!

"Chronic pain is a terrible thing. We experience a tremendous amount of professional satisfaction when we are able to relieve a patient’s chronic pain, help restore function and improve a person’s quality of life. 

Many patients in our practice arrive disheartened, hopeless and desperate, because they have been living with chronic pain for so long. It is extremely and tremendously fulfilling for us to provide compassionate care with the most advanced technologies and techniques available. 

We believe that pain management starts with genuine compassion and ability to not only ‘listen’ but to actually ‘hear’ what our patients are saying! It is our strong belief that there must be a strong connection of trust between the patient and our team, which leads to excellent communication, delineation of goals and management of expectations.

Our overwhelming goal is to provide the best possible outcomes. We always strive to restore and maximize the most active lifestyles possible. Our patients and specialists are a team with the common goal of improving function, managing pain and restoring hope. 

Nothing makes us happier than to see our patients improve with appropriate treatment, care and to see them be able to enjoy life once again. For everyone at Pain Specialty Group, we truly believe that “health is the first wealth" as we “specialize in you.”


- Manuel G. Sanchez, MD 

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